Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Meet!!!

I made it through our first meet, and I'm exhausted. I'm sure the kids are, too. They all did great. The little ones stayed in their lanes better than ever. The older ones ran faster than I've ever seen them run at practice. I just recorded their times and most had PR's across the board! And they seemed to have a really great time. A few of them even won their races (some girls even won against boys!!). I love this picture; the kids all look so happy while they'rerunning.

I ran 48 minutes this morning, but I think I'll take tomorrow off entirely. On my training schedule I'm supposed to do 10 miles on Saturday, and I think I'll need to rest up. Asher is at a very clingy stage, so for the last half of the meet I was lugging him on my hip, which added to my exhaustion. Usually my mom is there, and he loves her, but she couldn't be there. Everyone was VERY helpful, but I was still worn out at the end. The meet on Saturday is a bigger one, so I'm sure I'll be ready to crash Saturday night. Thank goodness Eric will be there to help with the kiddos. Right now Asher prefers Eric to me when he's around. Otherwise I'm #1.

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