Wednesday, April 23, 2008

85 Degrees

Yep. It's still April and that was the high today. I had to turn on the air conditioning at lunch-time.

Today was my tempo day, so I ran it on the treadmill this morning to make sure I kept the right pace. I warmed up for about 12 minutes then did 5 miles at a 7:16/mile pace (8.2-8.3 mph). I watched the Billy Bob Thornton movie "Astronaut Farmer." It was a sweet, though slow, movie about family, perseverance, working toward your dreams, etc, etc. I would recommend it for a relaxing night on the couch, not a hard morning on the treadmill....Actually, two mornings--I started it yesterday on the bike. I rode for 50 minutes. I also did bicep curls, military press, and push-ups.

We ran at the track today. I brought popsicles and held them over the kids heads (figuratively, but probably would have helped to do it literally, too) to keep them moving during practice. After a one lap warm-up and stretching, I had our older group work on their running baton hand-offs. They did about four 4x100's. They were looking pretty good. The younger group did a back and forth relay (two lines of kids face each other and pass the baton as they run to the other line). Then I did one lap of run-sprint-walk intervals with the younger group. It was almost too-many to really keep up with how they were all doing. Overall, their sprinting looked pretty slow. It was hot, which isn't energizing. Then they all did a few broad-jumps into the pit and we had popsicles and called it a day!

Something funny that Brandt said yesterday I had to write. He asked me to come and look at something "immediately!!" He also frequently describes silly sights he sees as "ridiculous," but his pronunciation is more like "redic-wee-us." I love big (nice) words coming out of little bodies.

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