Sunday, July 6, 2008

sammamishing pumpkins

We've had a great time in Washington. We spent a day in Seattle, seeing some of the sights. Seattle has a beautiful downtown area and is very visitor-friendly. The highs have been in the mid-70's, with occasional rain showers. The kids have loved playing with their cousins and staying up late. Eli, Brandt, and Eric went kayaking one evening (I stayed home with Asher so he could go to bed), and Eli got kayaked for the first time in a couple of years. My parents own kayaks, so he has had the chance to go, but had some fears of open water. I was so happy to hear that he went voluntarily and had a great time.
We stayed in Redmond with Stuart and Kim for a few days, and I have decided Redmond beats Eugene for being runner-friendly. Well-groomed, wide trails wind miles and miles through the preserved forests that seem to encompass at least half of Redmond's land area. On Friday, we we had planned to run a race in Duvall, but realized the night before that the date of the race had been misadvertised on a couple of race-listing sites, and the race had happened a month ago. So, instead, we went to the Sammamish ("oooh, THAT's fun to say!") River Trail, which is a paved path that starts at a HUGE, NICE sports complex in Redmond and goes out about 11 miles, with mile and half-mile markers along the way. I ran about 9.5 miles. I watched my pace from mile 2 to mile 8, and was able to do that in 43 minutes! The temp was about 55 and the path is flat, so it was a perfect chance for me to really push it. I ran a total of 1:13 minutes.
Saturday I pushed Asher for just under an hour on some trails close to Stu and Kim's house in Redmond. I did 3 sets of 20-25 pushups, chair-dips and some ab-work when I got back.

Asher went to Nursery at church today for the first time and did really well. He won't be 18 months for a few weeks, but they didn't mind me sitting in there with him today. He walked around more than he crawled while he was in there. I think seeing all the kids his age walking gave him some positive peer pressure.
Yesterday we went on a little walk here in Tumwater, where we are visiting Eric's parents and sister, and saw this "monkey tree." I don't know what its really called, but look closely at it-- it's probably the funkiest tree I've ever seen.

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