Sunday, July 20, 2008

home time

We have had a nice, relaxing weekend at home. We've been going so much this summer, it was refreshing to not have anything we HAD to do for once. Although it was hot, we spent time outside, passed the football with the boys and continued making plans for our work-in-progress yard. We also hung out inside, and I helped Eli finish his K-nex grill. It turned out pretty neato.

Eli did great at his swim meet on Thursday. His freestyle form has improved immensely since last summer. And his kick is much more efficient. He won the 25 freestyle, and got 2nd or 3rd in the breast and backstrokes. I think not using the kickboard and flippers as much during practices with this new team has really strengthened him.

I've been loving being a Garmin Girl. It's so nice to wonder what pace I'm running and just look down at my arm to see. Thursday I tested it out on the trails--it lost it's signal a few times when the tree cover was very dense, so I'll have to wait till the trees are bare in the winter to measure the lengths of the trails (sorry, Callie!). I ran 47:30.
But it was right-on with the distances on the roads around town. I know the lengths of a few different stretches, so I tested it out on Saturday. I ran 9.6 miles. It took me 1:19. The middle part was my fastest portion. I was averaging about 7:40 for the middle 5-6 miles. I started pretty slow (about an 8:45-9:00 pace on the hills in the sports complex), and ran the last couple miles at about an 8:30 pace. The Forerunner has a feature where you can split your workout into "laps" to keep up with the specifics of separate portions of your run, but I hadn't learned to use that yet. I guess I'm becoming a real geek...

Asher is too cute for his own good. He loves books. His favorites are ones with real pictures of animals in them. He'll just sit and look at pictures of dogs or farm animals for several minutes at a time (except in church when we really want him to). He has also added some new boogie-ing to his repertoire of dance. He'll still break dance--he did today in-fact, but he's also learned to "shake that thang."

I was so proud of Brandt at his swim lesson on Friday. He was learning to touch the bottom at the deep end of the pool. His teacher was in the water with him at the ladder. She would go down to the bottom, then he would go down, holding on the the ladder if needed for security. I would see him go down, then come up and tell his teacher he wanted to try again, then immediately take a big breath and go back down. He did this 5 or 6 times (all while other kids are waiting for their turn to try). I think it surprised his teacher so much that she didn't stop him. Finally, he touched the bottom and was very pleased with himself. This was one of the most diligent, determined efforts I've seen Brandt put forth. I worry about his maturity for kindergarten, but this gave me a little hope!

1 comment:

Matthew Hansen said...

You guys have great kids and obviously active as well. I read through your workout report from time to time and it inspires. Sometimes my workout blog would read "ate m&m's and drank a pepsi for breakfest".

But most of the time I think if Eric and Kelly are doing all that, I ought to as well.

Thinking of making a trip to my old mission area in Tallahassee sometime around Christmas. If so, I will come and say hello. Hope all is well.