Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back to the hills...

This has been quite a week. It seems like we've been home from WA much longer than just 4 days. Eli and Brandt got letters from their teachers for next year today. Eli is super excited for his--she is from Washington and likes to read and exercise. Brandt's teacher sounds like she'll be great. She has been teaching kindergarten for 22 years and has a Master's degree. Both Eli and Brandt's birthdays are in August, so they are young for their grades. Reading has not come easily to Eli--he is doing well, but we have had to work at it a lot. I have really been praying for Brandt to get a teacher that will build a strong foundation of reading fundamentals in him. I think he'll do fine. He's still not writing his name too well, but I think that will come as his fine-motor skills mature.

For my workouts this week:
Monday: Eric and I ran from his parents' house and just kinda explored their neighborhood area. We ran 40 minutes. We both picked up the pace, just for fun, for the last 5-10 minutes. Washington has mountains, but not too many hills in the neighborhood areas I saw. And perfect temperatures--just that darn rain always getting in the way. But when it's dry, you feel like you can fly along the sidewalks.
Tuesday: I skipped working out--which was a good thing since we didn't get home until 2 a.m. thanks to flights being delayed in Atlanta.
Wednesday: I worked out (yes, indeed, even after a heinously late night) downstairs on the bike. I rode for 1 hour and went 20 miles. I really pushed it for those last 3 miles, averaging (according to the bike's computer) about 25 mph. Obviously, I started out a bit slower.
Thursday: I ran 50 minutes on the trails at an easy pace.
Friday: I biked for 43 minutes and did a great weight workout: pushups, situps/crunches, triceps, biceps, lat-pulls, military.
Today: I ran 1hr.11min. It was about 8.5 miles. I was thinking I might try to add a couple miles of tempo into the middle of it, but it was too dang hot already, and my legs were tired from my biking. The last hill in the sports complex was so hard today. The way my legs felt going up it reminded me of when Ashley and I were training for a marathon. Ughhh.
Here is the elevation graph from my route today. Not flat.

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