Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hot diggidies

Brandt is my snacker. He eats all day long. Yesterday he came in and showed me his "snack" which was an entire hot-dog he fit into his mouth. I don't normally allow him to just grab hot-dogs out of our fridge like that, but I started laughing too hard when I saw him to get angry. He did get a reprimand and can't have hot dogs again till Friday--he'd live on hot dogs and Cheetos if I let him.Eric gave Asher a haircut on Saturday while I was on my run. He was starting to get a little mullet in the back, so Eric just buzzed it all off. We may be in Alabama, but we don't go for the whole "business in the front, party in the back" look.

Yesterday I biked 52 minutes and finished "The Host" in the process. Loved it! Highly recommend that book. I did some ab-work last night. This morning I did a hard tempo-hill workout. I ran through the trails to Sherman Oaks and did two laps around that subdivision, then back on to the trail loop and back home again, home again jiggity jig. I really pushed the pace from about 10 minutes on. Sherman Oaks has some monster hills. I ran for about 68 minutes. My clothes were SOAKED with sweat and I think some got into my ipod b/c it started cutting out over and over again at the end of my run. I have the old stick-style shuffle and it sits right against my body. Hopefully it will work again...

1 comment:

Joanna Galbraith said...

haha i can't wait to see you guys!