Sunday, May 10, 2009

Construction Time!!

Dirty Eric

Eli helping Dad.

Between Asher flooding the upstairs bathroom and main floor ceiling and Eric moving forward on the sport-court, we have alot of work behind and ahead of us!

Workout Log:
Tuesday I biked downstairs 48 minutes. I took a while to get started because this was the morning I woke up to a wet, sagging ceiling in my living room. I finally realized I couldn't do anything about it at 6am, so I watched some Fresh Prince and got in a decent workout.
Wednesday: Had a GREAT run. I've been feeling pretty sluggish on most of my training runs for several weeks--nothing serious, but just kinda felt like I was in a slump. On this run I felt so good. I ran to the sports complex, through some trails to Sherman Oaks, then a few more trails, then I kicked it home-- 1:03 total time.
Thursday: I biked 50 minutes and did weights.
Friday: I ran 5.8 miles in 48 minutes. Felt pretty good on this run, but it was MUGGY! My clothes were soaked.
Saturday: I ran, taking it pretty easy at the start, through trails and over to Trussville Springs and back--a total of 1:14. I felt pretty good. I went to the Hershey District track meet to cheer on several on my track team. They did a great job. Brandt ran in the meet and did the best I have ever seen from him. He "won" the 5oyd and the 100m, but he was the only boy in his age group! Then I came home cleaned the messy house, cooked dinner, and mowed the grass. Today (Sun) has been a nice, relaxing Mother's Day. I felt like I had earned it after yesterday!! (of course, Eric was probably every bit as tired as me from all of his work on the sport court! )


Unknown said...

fun! looks like a dirty old time to me. I'm excited to see it in person a week from tomorrow!

Joanna Galbraith said...

That is so cool!! I am super impressed/jealous. That has got to feel great to accomplish a project like that... It looks really good!