Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Two kinds of trail runners...

....those who have fallen, and those who will fall. I would be classified in the former group (a few times over). Monday I fell pretty hard while running on the trails. I am getting too complacent running my route there--I need to pay more attention. My hands suffered the most from my fall. I have a couple of pretty good gashes in them.

My workouts this week: Monday, I ran 50 minutes on the trails. Tuesday, I biked inside for 45 minutes. Wednesday I ran three 1 mile intervals and then about 6 minutes of shorter,faster intervals. I did the miles in 6:40 each (9-9.1 mph). I upped the speed to 10mph and ran 1 minute on, 30 off for the last 6 minutes. Including my warmup and cool-down, I went about 6.7 miles. I haven't fit in a good weight workout this week, but I plan to do some in the morning.

Team workouts: Monday, after a 1-lap warm-up, stretching, and dynamic movement exercises, I had the kids run 3 laps of striding the straights and jogging/walking the curves (or vice-versa). Then they practiced jumping a little. Today we played several rounds of foxes and hounds on the field. They really ran hard. I am really happy with the endurance they have built. Eli and Madylin had Boosterthon Runs at school today, yet they still did all of practice.

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