Sunday, June 21, 2009


"Illegally" eating our sandwiches from home instead of the $10 chicken fingers at the zoo.

The boys enjoying the splash park
Asher finishes up 1 1/2 pb&j sandwiches.

Cool customer Brandt rubbing in his sunscreen.The motherlode

The high for Friday and Saturday was 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Right now it is 92 with a heat index of 105. Wrong, I know.
Thankfully, we aren't in drought, and we have some generous friends who have opened their pools to us many times already this summer. Both Eli and Brandt are on the city swim team, and Asher is rapidly becoming a little fish (a bit of scary, wild, will-jump-in-the-deep-end-backwards-without-floaties-or-me-crazy fish, but a fish). I'm hoping to get him in lessons by the end of the summer.
Yesterday we decided to go to the zoo since Eric was off work. It was somewhat miserable, but we got to see the flamingos fighting (the only animals moving in the whole place), and the kids had fun in the splash park. Oh, and the llama spit on a lady--another highlight.
When we came home a big flatbed truck was parked in our driveway, and two men were unloading the 800+ pavers Eric ordered by hand onto the grass at the end of our driveway. They were almost done with the last pallet when we arrived, and Eric helped them finish. Eric has a BIG, HOT job ahead of him. He started moving a few after the boys went to bed last night, but the pile looked pretty much the same this morning. We may have to invite several strong backs over for a cookout soon. :)


Sylvia Mae Barrus Smith said...

The water photos look cool, the paver job does not. Do you have outside lighting so you can do it late at night? Or, does the heat stay through the night?

Jenn C said...

I love Summer! Because it's hot, you get to play in the pool/water and don't even care when the boys spray me with the water hose while I'm weeding the garden! Good luck with the pavers...we're real sorry we're missing that!

Lia said...

all i have to say about those brick-ish things is WOAH.