Today he...
- Lit a stick on fire in our garage
- Decided to take the plunge and do a #2 in the backyard--just peeing has become too commonplace, I suppose
- Announced, while holding a kitchen knife, "I'm not a kid anymore!"
- Peed in the middle of the field during Eli's football practice
- Took turns nicely with Mommy during a game of Animal Bingo
- Worked steadily and put every wooden bead on two shoestrings, then successfully tied the two strings together to make a long, beaded masterpiece
- Didn't overflow the kitchen sink, barely.
- Didn't pour the ENTIRE bottle of dishsoap into the afore mentioned sink
- Threw away one of Finley's dirty diapers for Mommy
- Saved Mommy the trouble of putting the soap in the dishwasher the next time it's ready to be run
- Slept in until 8:30am
- Complemented his brother on his Lego creation, "That's really cool, Brandt."