Monday, May 3, 2010


(That title sounds a bit like what some horror movie character would say in a demented sing-song voice in a sequel performance. heehee)

So here is a quick recap of what's been going on since I last posted many months ago:
I'm pregnant--30 weeks today.
It's a GIRL!!
Eli and Brandt played basketball in the winter and all three boys just finished up track season.
Track was ALOT of work this year--we had 100 kids register. But thanks to excellent support, it turned out to be a great season.
Eric is running more and ALOT faster than me. And he does it early in the morning--go Eric!
I am still running, though. Not sure at what point I'll stop. I've never run this far into a pregnancy--but I still feel good. I usually go 3-4 days a week for 5-6 miles.
It's a GIRL!
I've had quite a bit of marketing work to do, which has kept me busy at the computer and is my excuse for not blogging. We have felt blessed to have another source of income. Though not a huge amount, with the economy negatively impacting the construction industry so much and Eric's job being so closely tied to construction, we have been grateful for every little bit extra.

Here are some notable pics from the last few months:

Eli showing off some of his race bling

Brandt getting some air in the long jumpBrandt tearing up the track

Eric and Eli at a scout campout at The Farm

Asher feeling baby girl kicks
Asher the shot-putter


Melyssa said...

The picture of Asher touching your tummy is SOOOOOO Asher! I'm glad you're back!!

Erica said...

Congrats, Kelly! What a lucky girl, to have three wonderful older brothers, and two great parents!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're back! I'm missed you!

Joanna Galbraith said...

more posts!!!!