Thursday, January 8, 2009

Workout log 1.02.09-1.07.09

Friday 1/2/09: Speed work on the treadmill. Started with a 15 minute warm-up. Then about six 40 sec. hill reps with about 40 seconds rest between. Then I did some flat 1 minute speed bursts. Then two 3 minute reps at 9.2mph. Ended with a 10 minute cool-down.
Saturday 1/3/09: I was in Nashville for Grandmom's funeral, but did a 50 minute run with sisters and Uncle Pat around Aunt Sharon's neighborhood. I picked it up for the last 20 minutes or so.
Monday 1/5/09: Biked 20 miles on the stationary in 61 minutes. Did a full-body weight workout.
Tuesday 1/6/09: Ran to Food World and back (needed batteries for our new SWEET soap dispenser--thanks Kate and Chad!!). Took about 50 minutes. Did ab work.
Wed. 1/7/09: VERY sore in my lower back from ad workout yesterday. It was from Runners World Feb issue. Maybe I'll have a six-pack yet. Ran in cold rain with Ashley-7.2 miles. Did same ab workout again.
Thurs. 1/8/09: I was up late waiting for Eric to get home from a LONG day at work (he finally came in at 12:15--I had been asleep for about an hour), so I didn't wake up early to workout. During Asher's nap I rode the bike for 50 minutes, putting several hill simulations into the ride and then did full body weight workout--all whilst watching Jurassic Park.

1 comment:

Greg said...

that is one late night of work! poor Eric.