Wednesday, July 30, 2008


As you can see, we had some fierce winds come through with a thunderstorm last night that took out our big tree in the backyard. The second picture is what the tree and treehouse/ deck looked like before the storm. We'll have a completely different looking yard without that tree there. I'm wondering if we'll be able to have more of a garden without all the shade from that tree. They boys will miss their tree house, but we were planning to get them a big trampoline for their birthdays this weekend, so I think they'll survive. The third pic with Eli in the fallen branches, shows just how big the mess is. We are all just grateful we were safe in our home during the storm. Some homes around town had trees fall on them, and several trees were down in the roads.
This morning Eli and Brandt, without me asking them to, went outside with long-sleeved shirts on and began moving branches out to the road. It was hot and muggy, but they saw something that needed to be done, and began doing it on their own. I savored the moment.
This afternoon, the four missionaries serving in our ward came over to get haircuts and moved a bunch of limbs out to the road. That was probably at the hottest part of the day, and they were in their shirts and ties. I set out a gallon of cold water and a half gallon of lemonade along with a plate of cookies for them, and they polished it all off!
I had a hard workout this morning. I had planned to do seven 800 intervals at a 6:30 pace like I did last week, but I kept getting a bad pain in the right side of my chest. I'm pretty sure it was indigestion, but it hampered me quite a bit. I still did the whole workout, but only one of my intervals was at my target pace, the rest were 10-20 seconds slower. Also, the roads were wet and had alot of debris on them, which made going in some places a little slower--but mostly I just wasn't feeling super. With my warm-up and cool-down, I ran a total of 6 miles.
Yesterday I did weights and biked for 50 minutes downstairs. I think I went 16 miles total while watching some of the 6th season of 24.
Monday I ran on the trails for 1:05 at an easy pace.
Friday night is the release party for Stephanie Meyer's fourth book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. It officially comes out at midnight, which means a late night on Friday, and probably not an early workout on Saturday. SO, I'm planning to do my longer workout Friday morning, but we'll see.... With all the work we have to do in the yard, I may want to conserve some energy.


Joanna Galbraith said...

I cannot believe your yard!

BREAKING DAWN!! It's been my obsession this whole past week. You can ask Jill, whom I call every day to discuss theories.


Miss you!

Unknown said...

that is insane! so glad it didn't hit your house. check out my blog. I finally have a pic from our bike ride to fort pickins.